Wanna be happy.
- 2013.07.27
- 日々の徒然

Suddenly, I wanted to write this post in English. The title “Wanna be happy” is the one I came up with now. After correcting all my thoughts, it seems that a conclusion is “everyone wants to be happy.” And how can I or we accomplish it in this material world? No. Capitalism world…Money is not enough to become happy as everyone knows. Having more is sometimes become lonely. Having less is sometimes make us happy. Why? I am thinking it now. Having less money let us to concentrate more important things for life? Maybe it’s one of the reason for it. Then it is better to try to have less money? It is definitely no. Is it enough to do my best? Why people become lonely? I would become lonely if I think only about myself. Then, how can I think anyone around me? Everyone wanna be happy. That is obvious. How can I do for anyone to be happy? That’s maybe the only one thing I really have to think carefully at this moment.
How can I overcome this feeling? 2013.07.27
気だるい日曜の朝を越えて。 2013.07.28
たぶん間違いとか、普通言わない言い方とか、いっぱいありますよ( ̄▽ ̄)