In My Father’s Page
- 2012.09.30
- 日々の徒然

Tonight, I am staying up to study about translation. But I couldn’t start studying for no reason. I was surfing web. I looked Facebook, mixi, twitter and finally thought that if I look my father’s Facebook page. Actually I knew his page’s URL. Although I had lost connection between he and me in Facebook for difficult reason, his posts are showed in public so that I can see his page. Thus I sometimes look his page when I remember my father. As usual, I looked his page for rest today. As it was a bit long time no see, several topic was there. I was reading his post and seeing pictures. Then I found my mother in his picture. She was anyway fine. I relieved to see her smile. I’m so glad to see it. That’s all I have to say. Thank you.
P.S. The picture is my little garden 2 days ago. I think my garden represents my love for mom. My mom love flower. That’s one of the reason why I love flower. I sometimes remember her when I see my little garden’ flower.