- 2012.06.23
- 日々の徒然

Good evening. My baby has fallen asleep earlier than usual. I’ve just realized that it is only a week until we move. Having packed some a little bit, many things remained unpacked, but things are going well today. Early in this morning my chest which has been used from the times living with my parents was carried out for a big waste, packed things used usually, added 10 big boxes and 10 small boxes of cardbord coz we are short of them, continued to pack items in the kitchen though I was earger to have a nap, just now had a dinner and took a bath, and then it is at night now.
Along with them, I’ve got another jobs fortunately, so I was thinking to do a work after my baby fall asleep, but I have taken a look at facebook and updated my blog before that.
Anyway, I have done DANSYARI(which means if you throw away something unuseful you can’t let go, your life is become more comfortably and light) quite well motivated by our move.
Before DANSYARI, I couldn’t let go anything arround me, but it is effective for me to let them go, and things are quite less than before. Perhaps, the new house may become clearer than now.
And, it is not only things arround me that I wanted to throw away.
One of the reasons why I resigned a company was I wanted to change myself because I was worn out and spoiled by complains of myself after having hustled too much about my jobs, although another reason was I had a baby. It’s myself that I honestly wanted to throw away.
Hum, anyway all things seem to be becomming clear.
I really miss this house we have been lived from when we got married, but finally I have a hope for our new life more than that.
Now let’s translate this post and begin to work♪
朝の風に吹かれて 2012.06.20
寝ない子誰だ?引っ越しだよ。 2012.06.29