- 2012.06.12
- 日々の徒然

~ Looking for Wealth of My Life ~
Way way way way~、Rainy again, today~. It is rather cold today~. Nowadays, my husband and a friend of mine said the frequencies of this blog become lower. So I want to write the reason in blog, thinking of what do I write about things everyday happening, but wondering that how can I express this in English, went for a walk in AEON, made a hear band for my daughter to put on for the wedding 2’nd party in this weekend, put in the assignment almost before the deadline.
I’ve done the work which came last Friday only for 30 minutes~. Way way~. It is something like too much fighting spirit, but I can’t stop playing if I play for the first time~. I will work a little bit harder in this night, so I had a nap just before.
BTW, the reason why the frequencies of my blog is down is, at last, there is many reasons, anyway the life like this will last until October, doing assignment of correspondence study and the work now doing and taking a English lesson on Skype and studying English in other ways. Life is go on with nothing special, But I am not doing excellent work for becoming a translator, humm…. There’s no meaning to say “I’ll try!!” everyday cause the words become not worthy, so I think it’s better not to speak too much in blog.
Anyway, I’m trying to enjoy everyday life, like having images to live a nice life with a magazine bought, making a hand-made an accessory for raising up wealth of my life because recently I’ve been having changeless life~.
Oops, I’m talking in a very different theme that I had thought at the first time…oops, I’m writing? or talking? Today’s talk seems to be difficult to translate to English. Now, it is rainy today, and tried to keep up the mood, and put down what was happening in my head to the text. Bye!
寝息と雨音を聴きながら 2012.06.10
朝の風に吹かれて 2012.06.20